Friday, May 30, 2008


Although we were surprised by the darkness, the ebony celestial skies were an astonishing sight to behold. It was a spectacular vision of fireworks and meteor displays that was beyond the realm of description. An array of bright glowing colors dashed across the sky as we stood memorized of its heavenly glory.

beautiful...spectacular....sights never before seen to man
she says:
a collosal... display of lights action movement all through skies of the night

the skies were bursting with exciting hues of colors like the work of an artist

if i were to ignite something in that negative atmosphere there would have been an electrifying impolusion

surprised by the darkness
astonishing ebony celestial skies
a sight to behold
the night held a crispness
with magic to the eyes
a story begins to unfold

spectular visions of fireworks
meteor showers beyond imagination
an array of bright glowing colors
my curiosity immediately perks
at the wonderful sensation
the rare cloud causing a squalor

beautiful...spectacular....sights never before seen to man
virgin eyes set upon the mysteries of the glorious Hand

they dash across the sky
in all its heavenly glory
a collosal display of lights
as i stand mesmorized
action, movement so spry
energy erupting, amazing fury
all through skies of the night

as if something ignites
in an atmosphere
of electrifying implosion
in a fantasy of delight
with the night sky so clear
nothing in exclusion

beautiful...spectacular....sights never before seen to man
virgin eyes set upon the mysteries of the glorious Hand

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